Unique Condoms Reviews

1-5 of 440 reviews
  1. Excellent Condoms!

  2. prefer this to the Unique Plus since the pull tabs come off, good fit and stays put. Both the Unique Pull and Unique Plus are identified as 60mm but the Unique Pull feels smaller. Would prefer Unique Pull was not as tight without the wrapper that the Unique Plus has. Difficult to get a hold of the tabs to start putting the condom on but goes on after you get started. Difficult to get tabs extended in the dark then you have to do something with them when fully applied and the tabs come off. Still like the Unique Pull condom for fit and feel, but would like the Girth feel of the Unique Pull without the length and wrapper at the base

  3. Good fit, good packaging,stays put,length does not need to be as long,would prefer that it did not have the extra material at the base. Difficult to get the a hold of the wrapper to start putting the condom on in the dark